Sunday, June 9, 2019

The Feast of Pentecost

O heavenly Fount of light and love,
Adoring praise to thee we pay;
Pour down, blest Spirit, from above
Fresh streams of grace this day.

At Pentecost thou camest down
As sound of rushing wind went by,
With tongues of heavenly fire to crown
That glorious company.

Thou on each new-born child of grace
Dost now in hidden power descend
To strengthen for life’s daily race,
To comfort and defend.

Thou in each meek and lowly heart,
With streams of living waters bright,
Sweet Fount of strength and gladness art,
Fresh Spring of life and light.

William Walsham How, 1871; alt.
Tune: DERRY (
John Bacchus Dykes, 1875

Eleven (Liturgical) Years Ago: Joy! because the circling year

Ten (Liturgical) Years Ago:  O prophet souls of all the years

Nine (Liturgical) Years Ago: Above the starry spheres 

Eight (Liturgical) Years Ago: Hail thee, festival day

Seven (Liturgical) Years Ago: Hail festal day! through every age

Six (Liturgical) Years Ago: O God, the Holy Ghost

Five (Liturgical) Years Ago: Spirit of grace and health and pow'r

Four (Liturgical) Years Ago: Come, O come, thou quick'ning Spirit

Three (Liturgical) Years Ago: Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathed

Two (Liturgical) Years Ago: Come, Holy Ghost 

One (Liturgical) Year Ago: Come, Holy Ghost, my spirit fill