When thou, O Christ, didst send the Twelve,
Thy work of grace to do,
Conjoined in holy bands of love
They went forth, two and two.
Today, O Lord, before us here
Two blest Apostles stand,
Forever in thy realm above
United hand in hand.
Jude bids us in our holy faith
With zeal to seek the right,
And zeal shines brightly in the name,
Simon the Canaanite.
So send thou down into our hearts
Thy Spirit from above,
And give us ever-fervent zeal
Tempered with holy love.
And may we with these servants then
In heav'nly glory be!
For fellowship in holy love
Is unity in thee.
Christopher Wordsworth, 1862; alt,
The Whole Book of Psalmes, 1592
arr. William H. Monk, 1861
Bishop, scholar, hymnwriter and hymnal editor Christopher Wordsworth (whose birthday is coming up this Saturday) wrote this text for the day and included it in his collection The Holy Year (1862). WINCHESTER OLD is another psalter tune that has been sung with many texts over the last four hundred years, though the version most used today was harmonized by William Henry Monk, as you can probably guess by now, for Hymns Ancient and Modern (1861) .
Two Years Ago: Saint Simon and Saint Jude
One Year Ago: Saint Simon and Saint Jude
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