O Christ, whose tender mercy hears
Contrition’s humble sigh,Whose hand indulgent, wipes the tears
From sorrow’s weeping eye.
A seeking wanderer mourn:
Have you not bid me seek your face?
Have you not said, “Return”?
Absent from you, my Guide, my Light!
Without one cheering ray,
Through dangers, fears, and gloomy nights,
How desolate my way!
With beams of mercy shine!
And let your healing voice impart
A taste of joys divine.
Anne Steele, 1760
Tune: BURFORD (C.M.)
Chetham's Psalmody, 1718

One (Calendar) Year Ago: Phoebe Knapp
Two (Liturgical) Yeara Ago: Ash Wednesday
Thank you for this.
Much love,
You're welcome, Becky -- come back again.
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