O God, whom neither time nor space
Can limit, hold, or bind.
Look down from heav'n, thy dwelling place
With love for humankind.
Another year its course has run,
Thy loving care renew;
Forgive the ill that we have done,
The good we failed to do.
In doubt or danger, all our days,
Be near to guard us still;
Let all our thoughts and all our ways
Be guided by thy will.
O help us here on earth to live
From selfish strife set free;
To us at last in mercy give
Eternal life with thee.
Horace Smith, 19th cent.; alt.
Scottish Psalter, 1615

Three Years Ago: Bessie Porter Head
Two Years Ago: O God, by whom all change is wrought
One Year Ago: Another year is dawning
Wonderful words to begin a new year. Thank you CWS for all your posts through 2011; I look forward to learning more from your site in 2012.
Thanks! Things have been quiet here for the last few months but I am hoping to write more in 2012.
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