Bringer of light -- in thee, both sun and shadow --
Giver of every good and perfect gift!
With one accord we seek thy holy presence,
Gladly our hearts to thee in praise we lift.
Glad for the cause that binds our lives together,
Through thee united, worshiping as one;
Glad for the shining gifts that thou hast given,
Grateful for glorious works in us begun.
Thou art the Christ! To thee we own allegiance.
May our devotion sweep from sea to sea,
Even as we, all gifts from thee receiving,
Joyfully minister those gifts for thee.
Light of the world, through whom we know the Maker!
Pour out upon us thine abiding love,
That we may know its depth and height and splendor,
That heaven may come to earth from heaven above.
Elizabeth Wilson and Helen Thoburn, 1913
Tune: WELWYN (
Alfred Scott-Gatty, 1902
Writers Wilson and Thoburn seem not to be well-known. I hope, though, that someone at least considered their hymn for Voices Found.

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