Brightly did the light divine
From his words and actions shine
From the Twelve, with love unblamed,
“Son of consolation,” named.
Full of peace and lively joy
Sped he on his high employ,
By his mild exhorting word
Adding many to the Lord.
Blessèd Spirit, who didst call
Barnabas and holy Paul,
And didst them with gifts endue,
Mighty words and wisdom true,
Grant us, Source of life, to be
By their pattern full of thee;
That beside them we may stand
In that day on Christ’s right hand.
Henry Alford, 1844
John Antes, c. 1790
arr. John B. Wilkes, 1861
Two Years Ago: Saint Barnabas
Thank you for finding this text. I used it tonite for our celebration of the Feast of St Barnabas. I needed to find a tune a little more familiar than Monkland (which is not saying it is unfamiliar or difficult at all) and made use of St. Bees.
Thanks very much for your post -- it's always nice to hear that this site can be used as a resource and not just a collection of curiosities.
It's always interesting to hear about how the "standard repertoire" of congregations can vary. In my own church, MONKLAND would be much more familiar than ST. BEES, though we have sung that once or twice.
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