Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Saint Barnabas

The Son of Consolation!
Of Levi’s priestly line,
Filled with the Holy Spirit,
And fervent faith divine,
With lowly self-oblation,
For Christ an offering meet,
He laid his earthly riches
At the apostles’ feet.

The Son of Consolation!
Drawn near unto his Lord,
He won the martyr’s glory,
And passed to his reward;
With him is faith now ended,
For ever lost in sight,
But love, made perfect, fills him
With praise, and joy, and light.

The Heirs of Consolation!
O what their bliss shall be
When Jesus Christ shall tell them,
“Ye did it unto me”
The merciful and loving
The Lord of life shall own,
And as his priceless jewels,
Shall set them 'round his throne.

Maud Oswell Coote, 1871; alt.
Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864

Five Years Ago: Saint Barnabas

Three Years Ago: Saint Barnabas

One Year Ago: Saint Barnabas

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