To bring in prayer to thee;
There is no anxious care too slight
To wake thy sympathy.
Thou, who hast trod the thorny road,
Wilt share each small distress;
Thy love, which bore the greater load,
Will not refuse the less.
There is no secret sigh we breathe,
But meets thine ear divine;
And every cross grows light beneath
The shadow, Christ, of thine.
Jane Fox Crewdson, 1860; alt.
Edwin Moss, 19th cent.

Nine (Liturgical) Years Ago: Lord, who throughout these forty days
Eight (Calendar) Years Ago: Thirsting for a living spring
Six (Calendar) Years Ago: Saint David
Five (Liturgical) Years Ago: All those who seek a comfort sure
Two (Calendar) Years Ago: Sing of Jesus, sing forever
One (Liturgical) Year Ago: Gracious God, my heart renew
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