All those who seek a comfort sure
In trouble and distress,
Whatever sorrows stir the mind,Or guilt the soul oppress,
Jesus, who gave himself for you
Upon the cross to die,
Opens to you his sacred heart;
O, to that heart draw nigh.
We hear how kindly he invites;
We hear his words so blest;
“All those that labor come to me,
And I will give you rest.”
O Jesus, Joy of saints on high,
And Hope of pilgrims here,
Attracted by those loving words
To you we lift our prayer.
That grace may ever flow;
A new and loving heart on all
Who cry to you bestow.
Text: Latin, 18th cent; tr. Edward Caswall, 1849; alt.
Tune: BANGOR (C.M.)
William Tans'ur, 1734
At church tonight we had a choir of 57. I'm not sure there were that many people out in the pews. But another Lent is upon us.

Four (Liturgical) Years Ago: Christ, who throughout these forty days
Three (Calendar) Years Ago: Sarah Flower Adams
Three (Liturgical) Years Ago: Awhile in spirit, Christ, to thee
Two (Liturgical) Years Ago: O Christ, whose tender mercy hears
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