Sunday, April 21, 2019

All Doubt and Fear Is O'er

Awake, awake, my heart, and sing!
For Christ is ris’n today!
Behold a gleam of angel wings;
The stone is rolled away!

Awake, awake, my heart, and sing!
The gloom of death is o’er;
And Mary hastes, the news to bring,
He lives forevermore!

Awake, my heart, the morn is bright,
All doubt and fear is o’er!
For Christ is ris’n in power and might,
He lives forevermore!

Behold the joyous Easter day
That brings the news to earth
Of Easter morning far away,
When life from death had birth.

Alice J. Cleator, 1900; alt.
Tune: MAGNIFY (G.M.)
Calvin W. Laufer, 20th cent.

P.S. The fourteenth-century fresco above is from one of the chapels in the Santa Maria Novella convent in Florence. The artist Andrea da Firenze depicts scenes from the Resurrection, including the women coming to the empty tomb on the left side, and Mary's encounter with Jesus on the right.

Ten (Liturgical) Years Ago: Christ is risen! Alleluia!

Nine (Liturgical) Years Ago: The strife is o'er, the battle done

Seven (Liturgical) Years Ago: Jesus Christ is risen today

Six (Liturgical) Years Ago: Lift your voice rejoicing, Mary

Three (Liturgical) Years Ago: Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bands

Two (Liturgical) Years Ago: Jesus Christ is risen today (but not the one you think!)

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