Today we mark the shared feast-day of Saint Simon and Saint Jude, the tenth and eleventh of Jesus' disciples listed in scripture. Tradition holds that they traveled together as evangelists to the Middle East, where they were martyred.
By all your saints still striving,
For all your saints at rest,
Your holy name, O Jesus,
Forevermore be blessed!
For those passed on before us,
We sing our praise anew
And, walking in their footsteps,
Would live our lives for you.
We praise these two apostles,
Who sealed their faith today;
One love, one zeal compelled them
To tread your sacred way;
May we, with zeal as earnest
The faith of Christ maintain,
And, bound in love as kindred,
At length your rest attain.
We pray for saints we know not,
For saints still yet to be,
For grace to bear true witness
And serve you faithfully,
Till all the ransomed number
Who stand before the throne
Ascribe all power and glory
And praise to God alone.
Horatio Bolton Nelson, 1864; alt.
English traditional melody; arr. Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1906
Seven Years Ago: Thou who sentest thine apostles
Six Years Ago: Let the church of God rejoice
Five Years Ago: When thou, O Christ, didst send the Twelve
Three Years Ago: Blessed feasts of blessed martyrs
P.S. One of these hymns, Let the church of God rejoice, is now available on Facebook (at "Conjubilant W. Song") for you to share. It's appropriate for other saints' days as well, with a tune that deserves to be better-known.